SpTBXLib is an expansion package for TB2K components that adds unicode support and skinning.
Short list of features:
- Unicode captions
- Unicode hints
- Custom painting events
- Custom Item size
- Anchored Items
- Anchored TTBControlItems
- Right aligned Items
- Accel char handling
- Caption wrapping
- Vertical layout chevron popup |
Short list of features:
- Unicode support.
- Drag & Drop support.
- Can be embedded on another form or control.
- Can replace items shortcuts at runtime. |
Extended System Menu with Unicode and skins support.
Can be customized to add or delete menu items and change the captions and glyphs.
Short list of features:
- Unicode support
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Custom painting events
- Transparency support
- Extended text alignment
- ImageList support
- Can browse web links or execute applications |
Short list of features of TSpTBXButton:
- Unicode support
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Custom painting events
- Extended text alignment
- ImageList support - Has support for bitmap skins
- Can browse web links or execute applications |
Short list of features:
- Unicode support.
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Custom painting events
- Transparency support
- Extended text alignment |
Fully customizable TabSet and TabControl components with toolbar items support, you can add TB2K items.
Short list of features of TSpTBXTabSet and TSpTBXTabControl:
- Unicode support.
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Custom painting events
- Supports toolbar Items
- Top and bottom tab items alignment
Fully customizable DockablePanel component with toolbar items support, you can add TB2K items to the DockablePanel.
Short list of features of TSpTBXDockablePanel:
- Unicode support
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Owner draw painting events
- Supports toolbar Items
- Fixed size support
- Minimize/Maximize/Restore buttons |
Fully customizable StatusBar component with toolbar items support, ou can add TB2K items to the StatusBar.
Short list of features of TSpTBXStatusBar:
- Unicode support
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Owner draw painting events
- Supports toolbar Items |
Included editors: Edit, ButtonEdit, SpinEdit, ColorEdit, ComboBox, FontComboBox, ListBox, CheckListBox, ColorListBox.
Short list of features:
- Unicode support
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Custom painting events
Fully customizable Titlebar component with toolbar items support, you can add TB2K items.
Short list of features:
- Unicode support.
- Skin type selection, can render skins and WinXP themes (without using a manifest)
- Owner draw painting events
- Supports toolbar Items
- Fixed size support
- Minimize/Maximize/Restore support.
A fully customizable PopupMenu component that can be linked to any control to popup or rolldown a custom Form.
With the help of Silverpoint Skin Editor designers will be able to easily create and change skins of applications based on SpTBXLib.
